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Monday, January 12, 2015

Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas I dan Jawabannya 1

Hello! My name is Andi. I have one sister. Her name is Mita. She is eight years old. She is beautiful. Her hair is curly.

My father is tall. His name is Hasan. He is forty years old and he wears glasses. He is very kind.

My mother is beautiful. Her name is Eni. She is thirty six years old. Her hair is long and curly. She is very kind and hard working.

Jawablah pertanyaan nomor 1 sampai 4 berdasarkan bacaan di atas.

Namun apabila ada yang masih sangat bingung, maka silahkan KLIK DI SINI untuk membaca penjelasannya.
Bahasa Inggris 1 Heni Sunarni

Bahasa Inggris 1 Heni Sunarni


"Investasi Emas dan Reksadana, Untung Mana?."
Youtube: Katabah Com: Menuju 1 jt Konten :)

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