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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Contoh Kalimat Indirect Speech Past Tense Bahasa Inggris

Hello Katabah!
Pada posting lain, saya sudah membuat contoh kalimat bahasa Inggris Indirect Speech (Kalimat Tak Langsung) dalam Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous dan Future Tense. Sekarang, saatnya membuat kalimat Indrect Speech dalam Past Tense. J

1. Direct Speech: He says, “I played a game yesterday.”
(Dia berkata, “Saya bermain game kemarin.”)

Indirect Speech: He says that he played a game yesterday.
(Dia berkata bahwa dia bermain game kemarin)

2. Direct Speech: They will say, “We were sad last week.”
(Mereka akan berkata, “kami sedih minggu lalu”)

Indirect Speech: They will say that they were sad last week.
(Mereka akan berkata bahwa mereka sedih minggu yang lalu)

3. Direct Speech: She has said, “The students were diligent”.
(Dia telah berkata, “Para siswa itu rajin”)

Indirect Speech: She has said that the students were diligent.
(Dia telah berkata bahwa para siswa itu rajin)

Jadi, Indirect Speech untuk Past Tense tidak mengalami perubahan bentuk dalam Reported Words-nya. Salah satu contoh dari Reported Words dari contoh di atas adalah “The students were diligent”.
"Investasi Emas dan Reksadana, Untung Mana?."
Youtube: Katabah Com: Menuju 1 jt Konten :)

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