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Monday, August 8, 2016

Learning Sundanese Do

Hello Katabah!
Readers, welcome to my beloved vernacular, Sundanese language! In this occasion, I make some sentences in Sundanese by using word “do”.

Do is “midamel”, “ngalakukeun”, “migawe”, “milampah”, “ngerjakeun”, etc. Sundanese has some translations for word “do”.

Abdi ngerjakeun tugas.
(I do a task)

Bapa midamel tugas.
(Father does a task)

Predisen midamel kasaean.
(President does a goodness)

Kuring migawe ieu.
(I do this)

Maneh migawe itu.
(You do that)

Midamel: polite
Ngerjakeun: middle polite
Migawe: middle polite

Abdi, Kuring: I
Ngerjakeun, midamel, migawe: do
Tugas: task
Bapa: father
Predisen: president
Kasaean: goodness
Ieu: this
Maneh: you (middle polite)
Itu: that

Read also:
"Investasi Emas dan Reksadana, Untung Mana?."
Youtube: Katabah Com: Menuju 1 jt Konten :)

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