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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Difference between Information System and Information Technology

Today, Information System (IS) and Information Technology or Informatics Technology (IT) are increasingly often heard. Even not only in job field, but many universities also open department about two of the terms.

IS and IT is part of computer study. Based on department study in campus, IT tends to software engineer (technology aspect), while IS tends to implementing of business value of information technology. For example, IT men think: “How to make a good website?” While IS men think: “How to make the website is able to support e-commerce fluency built by a company?”

In formal, difference of two of the popular terms above is said that Information Technology (IT) is subsystem of Information Technology (IS) (Jogiyanto, 2005: 3). There are opinions state that IT is more pure take care of technology aspect, while IS engaged technology and management aspect.

In a computer dictionary stated that Information System is some system in an organization that unites need of daily transaction processing, supporting of operation, have characteristics of managerial, and strategy activities of an organization and providing certain external sides with needed reports (Febrian 2004: 238-239). While Information Technology is technology that merges computing (computer) with communication line that delivers data, sound, or video (Febrian 2004: 239).

Then we also must be able to differentiate between Hand Phone (HP) and computer. HP is a product example of Telecommunication Technology, while computer is a product example of Computer Technology. If a computer could be used to communicate such as Internet, so it is categorized as Information Technology.

Febrian J. 2004. Kamus Pengetahuan Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi. Bandung: Informatika.
Jogiyanto. 2005. Sistem Teknologi Informasi. Yogyakarta: Andi.

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