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Monday, February 8, 2016

Learning Indonesian Sentences for Beginners

Hello Katabah!
To make an Indonesian sentence doesn’t need complex tenses because Indonesian verb will not experience a change because of a subject.

For example, we use word “makan” (eat).
Mereka makan (They eat)
Kami makan (We eat)
Saya makan (I eat)
Kamu makan (You eat)

Dia makan (She eats)
Dia makan (He eats)
Dia makan (It eats)

Based on seven of the sentences above, we know that “makan” can be used for all subjects (mereka, kami, saya, kamu, dia [she, he, it]).

Completely, I have 20 sentences in bahasa Indonesia with title "Belajar Melengkapi Kalimat BahasaInggris PS_15-1". Happy reading!

The sentences have online interactive exercises too so that we can understand Indonesian more skillful. If you want to explore all about exercises of Indonesian, then you can find them on menu Tes Vocab.

"Investasi Emas dan Reksadana, Untung Mana?."
Youtube: Katabah Com: Menuju 1 jt Konten :)