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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

تطبخين Tatbahina Arabic English 8

Hello Katabah!
What is the meaning of “Tatbahina” (تطبخين)? Category: Arabic into English. Class: 8 (2 Junior High School). Plus some sentence examples.

تَطْبَخِيْنَ طَعَامً
تَطْبَخِيْنَ طَعَامًا
تَطْبَخِيْنَ الطَّعَامَ

اَنْتِ تَطْبَخِيْنَ الْخَضْرَوَاتَ
اَنْتَ تَطْبَخُ الْخَضْرَوَاتَ

1. You (female) cook
2. You (female) cook food.
3. You (female) cook food. (same with number 3)
4. You (female) cook the food.

5. You (female) cook the vegetables.
6. You (male) cook the vegetables.

طَعَامً: food
طَعَامًا: food
الطَّعَامَ: the food

تَطْبَخِيْنَ: you (female) cook
تَطْبَخُ: you (male) cook
الْخَضْرَوَاتَ: the vegetables

Read also:
"Investasi Emas dan Reksadana, Untung Mana?."
Youtube: Katabah Com: Menuju 1 jt Konten :)

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